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TakedownIf you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. A heterogeneous or multi-material object is one made from different materials which are distributed continuously or discontinuously and where its properties can be adjusted by controlling the material composition, microstructure and geometry of the object. The development of manufacturing technologies such as rapid prototyping can eliminate the high cost of tooling and can offer the possibility to make multi-materials structures. However the ability to design them is not a trivial task and requires the development or modifications of optimization algorithms to take into consideration the different aspects of these problems. This article presents an enhancement to the ITD Osvaldo M. Querin, Mariano Victoria, Concepción Díaz, and Pascual Martí 2 algorithm which allows it to obtain multi-material designs. Four examples of the topology design of 2D continuum structures are presented to demonstrate that the ITD algorithm is an efficient and reliable method to carry out the layout optimization of multimaterial continuum structures.