Metabolic resistance
to the maize-selective, HPPD-inhibiting herbicide,
mesotrione, occurs via Phase I ring hydroxylation in resistant waterhemp
and Palmer amaranth; however, mesotrione detoxification pathways post-Phase
I are unknown. This research aims to (1) evaluate Palmer amaranth
populations for mesotrione resistance via survivorship, foliar injury,
and aboveground biomass, (2) determine mesotrione metabolism rates
in Palmer amaranth populations during a time course, and (3) identify
mesotrione metabolites including and beyond Phase I oxidation. The
Palmer amaranth populations, SYNR1 and SYNR2, exhibited higher survival
rates (100%), aboveground biomass (c.a. 50%), and lower injury (25–30%)
following mesotrione treatment than other populations studied. These
two populations also metabolized mesotrione 2-fold faster than sensitive
populations, PPI1 and PPI2, and rapidly formed 4-OH-mesotrione. Additionally,
SYNR1 and SYNR2 formed 5-OH-mesotrione, which is not produced in high
abundance in waterhemp or naturally tolerant maize. Metabolite features
derived from 4/5-OH-mesotrione and potential Phase II mesotrione-conjugates
were detected and characterized by liquid chromatography–mass
spectrometry (LCMS).