Previous reports showed that Streptomyces linear plasmids usually contain one internal replication locus. Here, we identified two new replication loci on pFRL1, one (rep1A-ncs1) next to a telomere and another (rep2A-ncs2) ϳ10 kb from it. The rep1A-ncs1 locus was able to direct replication independently in both linear and circular modes, whereas rep2A-ncs2 required an additional locus, rlrA-rorA, in order to direct propagation in linear mode. Rep1A protein bound to ncs1 in vitro. By quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and Northern hybridization, we showed that transcription of rep1A and rep2A varied during development and that each dominated at different time points. pFRL1-derived linear plasmids were inherited through spores more stably than circular plasmids and were more stable with pSLA2 telomeres than with pFRL1 telomeres in Streptomyces lividans.Streptomyces species are Gram-positive, high-GC content, mycelial eubacteria. Unlike most other eubacterial chromosomes, the ϳ8-Mb chromosomes of Streptomyces are linear (25), and Streptomyces species often harbor linear as well as circular plasmids (11,13,22,35). Linear plasmids range in size from 12 kb (20) to 1,700 kb (24). Their "telomeres" contain inverted repeat sequences from 44 bp (7) to 180 kb long (28), and the 5Ј telomeric ends are linked covalently to terminal proteins (TP) (1, 43).Unlike the TP-capped linear replicons of adenoviruses and Bacillus bacteriophage ⌽29 (33), replication of Streptomyces linear plasmids starts at a central locus (36) and proceeds bidirectionally toward the telomeres (5). This leaves a short single-stranded overhang at the 3Ј telomeric ends of linear plasmids as a replication intermediate (5), to be converted to a fully double-stranded form by DNA synthesis primed by the TP, possibly assisted by "folding back" of the telomeric palindromes (30), with palindromes II and III being bound by a telomere-associated protein (Tap) to recruit TP (2). Most Streptomyces linear plasmids and linear chromosomes have conserved telomeric sequences, especially in telomeric palindromes I to III (e.g., SLP2, pFRL1, Streptomyces coelicolor, and Streptomyces lividans) (15, 44), and tap and tpg genes (1, 2, 43), while some contain novel telomeres (e.g., SCP1, pRL1, pRL2 and Streptomyces griseus) (9, 23, 44) and telomere replication proteins/genes (17,37,38). No telomere replication genes are found in small linear plasmids (e.g., pSLA2 and pSCL1) (40). Plasmids with pSLA2 and pSCL1 telomeres are able to propagate in linear mode (30,36) and to be inherited stably in S. lividans (31), indicating that replication of pSLA2 telomeres is performed by the telomere replication proteins (e.g., Tap and Tpg) of the S. lividans chromosome.Some Streptomyces linear plasmids can also propagate in circular mode when their telomeres are deleted and the ends are fused (5, 36). The centrally located replication locus of pSLA2 consists of a rep gene (encoding a DNA helicase) and its adjacent iterons (6). Such rep (helicase and adjacent iterons) loci are also found in ...