The purpose of the suggested article is to analyze the ethno-linguo-conflictogenity of the modern world based on desharmonizing environment of globalization phenomenon in such migrant-capacious and ethnically complex regions, as Tatarstan and Tyumen Region. Today we observe a tendency for blending of dissimilar elements not only in the society, but also in the psychic of a definite person. The authors suggest the ethno-linguo-propaedeutics to solve the stabilization problems in complex polyethnic regions. By the example of the Tatarstan Republic and Tyumen Region, the authors show the definite ways to implement the linguistic and national safety. Separate moments of the studied problem were reflected to some extent in the works of culture experts, sociologists, politologists, philosophers, philologers, psychologists and pedagogues. However, in these materials, the study problems of the linguo-propaedeutics, as a guarantor of state integrity, were either not considered at all, or were presented fragmentarily, without any attempts to analyze it thoroughly. The suggested work presents an attempt to solve these problems in a complex approach. The authors reasonably prove that there is a need in a new approach to analyze the preventive problems of ethnic conflicts, based on linguistic transformation methods of mental space of the linguistic personality. The suggested new construct "poly-linguo-cultural linguistic personality" is developed by the authors based on the analysis of speech behavior of bilinguals in Post-Soviet space, who speak Russian, but many elements in their mental worldview are replaced with the foreign national components, even if the Russian variant is present. The authors, for the first time, suggest a new approach for tolerance formation and prevention of interethnic conflicts; they name it as an ethno-psycho-linguo-propaedeutic approach. The suggested approach covers different levels of competences: it involves the linguistic competence itself, ethnolinguistic and sociolinguistic competences at the linguistic level; it involves psychological and ethnopsychological competences at psychological level; it involves linguo-cross-cultural, culturological and common cultural competences at sociocultural level; it involves communicative, social and pedagogical-propaedeutic competences at the communicative-propaedeutic level. Ethno-linguo-propaedeutic approach suggested and brought into practice by the authors, helps to pass on from the ethnocentrism position to cultural relativism. It opens great horizons for the interested representatives of the whole humanitarian science. The authors suggest using both interactive technologies and vivid training work for linguo-propaedeutics of ethnic conflicts. The achievement of the set aim of modern ethno-linguo-propaedeutics is connected with the solution of the following fundamental tasks: 1) to imagine yourself behind the limits of your own ethnocultural area; 2) to understand and realize the variety of the world, we live in,; 3) to get acquainted with d...