A B S T R A C T In this paper, transient thermoelastic crack analysis in two-dimensional, isotropic, continuously non-homogeneous and linear elastic functionally graded materials subjected to a thermal shock is presented. The Laplace transform technique is used to eliminate the time dependence of the governing equations of the linear coupled thermoelasticity. Fundamental solutions for isotropic, homogeneous and linear elastic solids in the Laplacetransformed domain are applied to derive boundary-domain integral equations for the mechanical and thermal fields. The radial integration method is employed to transform the domain integrals into the boundary integrals. A collocation-based boundary element method is implemented for the spatial discretization of the boundary-domain integral equations. The time-dependent numerical solutions are obtained by using Stehfest's inversion algorithm. Numerical results are presented and discussed to show the influences of the material gradation, the thermo-mechanical coupling, the crack orientation and the thermal shock loading on the dynamic stress intensity factors.Keywords boundary element method; dynamic stress intensity factors; functionally graded materials; Laplace transform; radial integration method; thermal shock.
N O M E N C L A T U R Ea = half crack length a j i = unknown expansion coefficients b j = unknown expansion coefficients c (x) = specific heat at constant strain c 0 (x) = free-term coefficient c 0 jk (x) = free-term coefficients c i jkl (x) = elasticity tensor d A = support size for the application point A E(x) = Young's modulus h = semi-height of the FG plate H(t) = Heaviside step function I = identity matrix k(x) = thermal conductivitȳ K ± I (t) = normalized mode-I dynamic stress intensity factor at the crack-tips x 1 = ±ā K ± I I (t) = normalized mode-II dynamic stress intensity factor at the crack-tips x 1 = ±a N = total number of the unknown quantities N A = total number of the application points N s = total number of the approximation terms N q = total number of the boundary elements N d = total number of the internal points N w = total number of the boundary nodes N a (ξ ) = standard shape functions for quadratic elements n i = components of the outward unit normal vector Correspondence: A. Ekhlakov,