“…Although the effect of growth factors and morphogens on ES neural patterning can be anticipated by their known role in vivo, the use of ES cultures for studies aimed to steer their neural patterning toward distinct fates, or to investigate in vitro the signaling controlling neuronal fate acquisition, is complicated by the possible production of growth factors and morphogens inside the neuralizing culture. Many studies reported that natural or chemical inhibitors/ antagonists of Wnts (Bouhon et al, 2006;Kirkeby et al, 2012), BMPs (Surmacz et al, 2012;Lupo et al, 2013;Ozair et al, 2013), FGFs (Chambers et al, 2009;Kriks et al, 2011;Lupo et al, 2013), Activin/Nodal (Lupo et al, 2013), or Shh (Gaspard et al, 2008;Li et al, 2009;Nicoleau et al, 2013) affect the differentiation fate of neurons cultured in chemically defined media. These studies implicate that such factors were endogenously produced by ES differentiating cells.…”