It is shown that the rise in multiplicity with increasing perpendicular momentum transferred to the leading proton seen in recent experiments can be simply explained as due to double quark-quark scattering in the Glauber quark multiple-scattering model. The quark-quark inelastic-scattering amplitude is entirely consistent with the quark-quark elastic amplitudes obtained previously for elastic proton-proton scattering.In a recent experiment, Ramanauskas et aL 1 have studied multiplicity as a function of p ± , the perpendicular momentum transferred to the leading proton. The reaction specifically studied was p+p-~p+ particles, where the leading proton was detected and its momentum determined. All other charged particles were observed and their momenta measured as well. The results, over a range of values for the effective mass of the particles other than the leading proton, show that the multiplicity is roughly constant with/> x till a value of p L~ 0,65 GeV/c at which point it rises sharply by ~ 0.6, followed by indications for a leveling off at p ± ~ 1.0. We present here an explanation for this in terms of the multiple-quark-scattering model.Both the low-and high-energy proton-proton elastic scattering data are found to be fitted well using the Glauber model by considering the proton as a composite particle of three quarks. The first calculations for low-energy data were done by Harrington and Pagnamenta, 2 and calculations on data from the CERN intersecting storage rings were done by the authors. 3 In this model, the behavior in the small-momentum-transfer region \t\