We present an analytic ansatz to find the effective electrostatic potential and Coulomb correlations in multicenter problems, specifically homogeneous and doped clusters of metal atoms. The approach is based on a quasi-classical density-functional treatment. We focus on the interpretive aspect of our findings, particularly on extracting insight regarding the geometric effects of Coulomb correlations for any given spatial disposition of ionic cores. For singly-doped metallic clusters we obtain a direct visualization of the variations of both screening and Coulomb correlations with changes of location of the dopant atom. This analysis provides a way to interpret recent observations of the variability of physical properties of metal clusters with changes of composition and geometry.Perception in terms of concepts that can be visualized is an important part of understanding physical phenomena. Presently, such an interpretative theoretical tool may provide a valuable way of guiding the analysis of experiment in the realm of atomic clusters. Hence, we develop an analytic approach that makes it possible to find and visualize the effective electrostatic potential and Coulomb correlations in multicenter problems. We make use of the quasi-classical density-functional theory to account for the electron self-distribution in the common cluster potential. While this is not at the same level of studies of electron correlations in atoms, for which very accurate wave functions have been used, it is a significant step beyond the '' jellium '' model, frequently-invoked in describing moderately large metallic clusters. Collective effects induced by Coulomb correlations in atoms have been studied in two ways. In the first, both hydrodynamic theory and local approximate dielectric theory have been used; neither of these takes into account either shell structure or the single-particle spectrum of the valence electrons.2 These methods are capable, at most, of giving gross trends in dynamical properties. The second route instead uses a fully quantal description based on the one-electron excitation spectrum and corresponding wavefunctions. A recent collection of papers provides a description of methods and results of the application of many-body techniques in atomic theory. The way electrons are correlated can be inferred from the probability distribution implied by their wavefunction. 4 To make such inferences, however, we must be a bit thoughtful about how we present this distribution. Even for a two-electron atom, we begin with a function of six independent variables in a fixed-center-of-mass system. We would like to extract from this a description in no more than two or three independent variables, something we can represent pictorially and visualize.For a three-body system such as He** or the valence electrons of Mg, a natural and practical way to carry out such a description has emerged as an analytic reduction of the probability density |C(r 1 ,r 2 )| 2 to the joint probability density p(r 1 ,r 2 ,y 12 ), where y 12 is the angle b...