Abstract. The interactions between climate, vegetation and fire can strongly influence the future trajectories of vegetation in Earth system models. We evaluate the relationships between tropical climate, vegetation and fire in the global vegetation model JSBACH, using a simple fire scheme and the complex fire model SPITFIRE with the aim to identify potential for model improvement. We use two remote sensing products (based on MODIS and Landsat) in different resolutions to assess the robustness of the obtained observed relationships. We evaluate the model using a multivariate comparison that allows 5 to focus on the interactions between climate, vegetation and fire and test the influence of land use change on the modelled patterns. Climate-vegetation-fire relationships are known to differ between continents we therefore perform the analysis for each continent separately.The observed relationships are similar in the two satellite datasets, but maximum tree cover is reached at higher precipitation values for coarser resolution. The model captures the broad spatial patterns with regional differences, which are partly due to 10 the climate forcing derived from an Earth system model. SPITFIRE strongly improves the spatial pattern of burned area and the distribution of burned area along increasing precipitation compared to the simple fire scheme. Surprisingly the correlation between precipitation and tree cover is higher in the observations than in the largely climate driven vegetation model, with both fire models. The multivariate comparison identifies a too high tree cover in low precipitation areas and a too strong relationship between high fire occurrence and low tree cover for the complex fire model. We therefore suggest that drought effects on tree 15 cover and the impact of burned area on tree cover or the adaptation of trees to fire can be improved. The model reproduces the linear increase of tree cover with increasing precipitation for Australia, compared to the sigmoid increase for the other continents. As we find this linear increase for both fire models as well as for present day and preindustrial land use, we conclude that it appears in the model due to differences in climate not captured by mean annual precipitation. Land use contributes to the intercontinental differences in fire regimes with SPITFIRE and strongly overprints the modelled multimodality of tree cover 20 with SPITFIRE. The multivariate comparison between observations and model used here has several advantages: it improves the attribution of model-data mismatches to model processes, it reduces the impact of biases in the meteorological forcing on the evaluation and it allows to evaluate not only a specific target variable but also the interactions.
1Biogeosciences Discuss., https://doi