In this paper, we start by presenting multiple-term refinement of Young?s and
Young?s type inequalities and its reverse using different weights, which
extends and unifies two recent and important results due to M. Khosravi
(Math. Slovaca 68 (2018), 803-810) and L. Nasiri et al. (Asian-European
Journal Math. 15, (2022) No. 07). Further, we mainly present some new real
power inequalities of Young?s inequality, extending a key results of Alzer
et al. (Linear Multilinear Algebra 63(3) (2015), 622-635), D. Q. Huy et al.
(Linear Algebra Appl. 656 (2023), 368-384) and J. Zhao (Bull. Malys. Math.
Sci. Soc. 46, No 52 (2023)). As applications of these results, we provide
some inequalities for matrices, unitarily invariant norms and traces.