Skin is an organ of living beings afflicted with various disorders such as atopic disease. Atopic disease results from an excess of immunoglobulin E produced due to excessive exposure to non-harmful environmental allergens that affect the skin of various organs, including the ear, leading to external otitis. During this case-control study, 50 dogs referred to clinics in Mazandaran province in Iran with symptoms of atopic otitis were the case group, and 50 dogs with healthy ears were considered the control group. The diagnosis was derived from the clinical findings of the case group, which included itchy skin, redness in the pubic and abdominal area, and ear swelling. The results indicated that 66% of dogs with atopic otitis were in the chronic stage of the disease. Furthermore, there is 4.63 times greater odds of wax secretions in cases of atopic otitis. Additionally, in the case of atopic otitis, the odds of odorous secretions is 5.1 times greater than that of odorless secretions. Lastly, most dogs with this condition had significantly dark ear secretions. Atopic otitis, therefore, is characterized by waxy, odorous and dark secretions in the ears of animals. In general, identifying the causative agent for this disease in dogs is extremely important and can prevent the application of costly and blind treatments. We conducted the first epidemiological study in Iran of external otitis associated with atopy in dogs. These results support a better understanding of the disease.