Sarason did pioneer work on the reflexivity and purpose of this paper is to discuss the reflexivity of different class of contractions. Among contractions it is now known that C11 contractions with finite defect indices, C.o contractions with unequal defect indices and C1. contractions with at least one finite defect indices are reflexive. More over the characterization of reflexive operators among co contractions and completely non unitary weak contractions with finite defect indices has been reduced to that of S (F), the compression of the shift on H2 ⊖ F H2, F is inner. The present work is mainly focused on the reflexivity of contractions whose characteristic function is constant. This class of operator include many other isometries, co-isometries and their direct sum. We shall also discuss the reflexivity of hyponormal contractions, reflexivity of C1. contractions and weak contractions. It is already known that normal operators isometries, quasinormal and sub-normal operators are reflexive. We partially generalize these results by showing that certain hyponormal operators with double commutant property are reflexive. In addition, reflexivity of operators which are direct sum of a unitary operator and C.o contractions with unequal defect indices,is proved Each of this kind of operator is reflexive and satisfies the double commutant property with some restrictions.