Plane quartics containing the ten vertices of a complete pentalateral and limits of them are called Lüroth quartics. The locus of singular Lüroth quartics has two irreducible components, both of codimension two in P 14 . We compute the degree of them and discuss the consequences of this computation on the explicit form of the Lüroth invariant. One important tool is the Cremona hexahedral equations of the cubic surface. We also compute the class in M 3 of the closure of the locus of nonsingular Lüroth quartics.All schemes and varieties will be assumed to be defined over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. We recall that a complete pentalateral in P 2 is a configuration consisting of five lines, three by three linearly independent, together with the ten double points of their union, which are called vertices of the pentalateral. A nonsingular Lüroth quartic is a nonsingular quartic plane curve containing the ten vertices of a complete pentalateral. Such curves fill an open set of an irreducible, SL(3)-invariant, hypersurface L ⊂ P 14 . The (possibly singular) quartic curves parametrized by the points of L will be called Lüroth quartics. In [16] we have computed that L has degree 54, by reconstructing a proof published by Morley in 1919 [14]. Another proof has been given by Le Potier and Tikhomirov in [13].In this paper we put together the projective techniques of [14] and [16] with the cohomological techniques in [13], and we prove some new results about the Lüroth hypersurface. We refer to the introduction of [16] for an explanation of the connection of this topic with moduli of vector bundles on P 2 .The locus of singular Lüroth quartics has been considered in [14] and [13]. It is obtained as the intersection between the Lüroth hypersurface of degree 54 and the discriminant of degree 27. It has two irreducible components L 1 and L 2 , both of codimension 2 in P 14 , and it is known that deg(L 2 ) red = 27·15 [13, Corollary 9.4]. We compute the degree of L 1 , a question left open in [13] (end of 9.2). Indeed we prove the following theorem.Theorem 0.1. The intersection between the Lüroth hypersurface L and the discriminant D is transverse along L 1 , and