Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a blood cancer affecting haematopoietic stem cells. AML is routinely treated with chemotherapy, and so it is of great interest to develop optimal chemotherapy treatment strategies. In this work, we incorporate an immune response into a stem cell model of AML, since we find that previous models lacking an immune response are inappropriate for deriving optimal control strategies. Using optimal control theory, we produce continuous controls and bang-bang controls, corresponding to a range of objectives and parameter choices. Through example calculations, we provide a practical approach to applying optimal control using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. In particular, we describe and explore factors that have a profound influence on numerical convergence. We find that the convergence behaviour is sensitive to the method of control updating, the nature of the control, and to the relative weighting of terms in the objective function. All codes we use to implement optimal control are made available.Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) is a blood cancer that is characterised 2 by haematopoietic stem cells, primarily in the bone marrow, transforming 3 into leukaemic blast cells [22,47]. These blast cells no longer undergo nor-4 mal differentiation or maturation and stop responding to normal regulators 5 of proliferation [23]; their presence in the bone marrow niche disrupts nor-6 mal haematopoiesis [22]. AML has significant mortality rates, with a five-year 7 survival rate of 24.5% [8], and challenges in treatment arise not only in eradica-8 tion of the leukaemic cells but also prophylaxis and treatment of numerous life 9 threatening complications that arise due to the absence of sufficient healthy 10 blood cells [62]. Multiple interventions are employed in the management and 11 treatment of AML, including: leukapheresis; haematopoietic stem cell trans-12 plants; radiotherapy; chemotherapy and immunotherapy [4,47,52].
13Mathematical models are widely used to gain insight into complex biologi-14 cal processes [29,48]. Mathematical models facilitate the development of novel 15 hypotheses, allow us to test assumptions, improve our understanding of bio-16 logical interactions, interpret experimental data and assist in generating pa-17 rameter estimates. Furthermore, mathematical models provide a convenient, 18 low-cost mechanism for investigating biological processes and interventions for 19 which experimental data may be scarce, cost-prohibitive or difficult to obtain 20 owing to ethical issues. Mathematical models are routinely used to interro-21 gate a variety of processes relating to cancer research including: incidence; 22 development and metastasis; tumour growth; immune reaction and treatment 23 [13,16,22,31,43,59]. Recently, mathematical models have been used to inves-24 tigate various aspects of AML, including: incidence [41]; pathogenesis [19]; 25 interactions between cancer and healthy haematopoietic stem cells within the 26 * Corresponding author Email address:, T...