We explore the conductance of self-healing materials as a measure of the material integrity in the regime of the onset of the initial fatigue. Continuum effective-field modeling and lattice numerical simulations are reported. Our results illustrate the general features of the self-healing process: The onset of the material fatigue is delayed, by developing a plateau-like time-dependence of the material quality. We demonstrate that in this low-damage regime, the changes in the conductance and similar transport/response properties of the material can be used as measures of the material quality degradation.
________________________ * www.clarkson.edu/PrivmanPhysica A 385, 543-550 (2007) arXiv:0704.0935Recently a significant research effort has been devoted to the design of "smart materials." In particular, self-healing composites [1-10] can restore their mechanical properties with time or at least reduce material fatigue caused by the formation of microcracks. It is expected that microcracks propagating through such materials can break embedded capsules/fibers which contain the healing agent -a "glue" that heals/delays further microcrack development -thus triggering the self-healing mechanism. In recent experiments [1,7-10], an epoxy (polymer) was studied, with embedded microcapsules containing a healing agent. Application of a periodic load on a specimen with a crack, induced rupture of microcapsules [1]. The healing glue was released from the damaged microcapsules, permeated the crack, and a catalyst triggered a chemical reaction which re-polymerized the crack.Defects of nanosizes are randomly distributed throughout the material. Mechanical loads during the use of the material then cause formation of craze fibrils along which microcracks develop. This leads to material fatigue and, ultimately, degradation. Triggering self-healing mechanism at the nanoscale might offer several advantages [10] for a more effective prevention of growth of microcracks. Indeed, it is hoped [10] that nanoporous fibers with glue will heal smaller damage features, thus delaying the material fatigue at an earlier stage than larger capsules [1,9] which basically re-glue large cracks. Furthermore, on the nanoscale, the glue should be distributed/mixed with the catalyst more efficiently because transport by diffusion alone will be effective [10,11], thereby also eliminating the need for external UV irradiation [9], etc.Theoretical and numerical modeling of self-healing materials are only in the initiation stages [10,12,13]. Many theoretical works and numerical simulations [14][15][16][17] consider formation and propagation of large cracks which, once developed, can hardly be healed by an embedded nano-featured capsules. Therefore, we have proposed [10] to focus the modeling program on the time dependence of a gradual formation of damage (fatigue) and its manifestation in material composition, as well as its healing by nanoporous fiber rupture and release of glue.We will shortly formulate rate equations [10] for such a process. In addition t...