The pipeline leakage problem is a very challenging and critical issue. Solving this problem will save the nation a lot of money, resources and more importantly, it will save the environment. This paper discusses the state of the art of leak detection systems (LDSs) and data fusion approaches that are applicable to pipeline monitoring. A comparison of LDSs is performed based on well-defined criteria. We have classified and critically reviewed these techniques. A thorough analysis and comparison of all the recent works have been provided.
INDEX TERMSData fusion, leak detection, pipeline monitoring, sensors, wireless sensor networks, WSN, acoustic sensors. on API1995b and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 1999. Generally, for any good LDS, the most important four criteria are [24], [38]: Reliability, Sensitivity, Accuracy, and Robustness, and these criteria are what we use in this work.The following are some of the Characteristics of Leak Detection Systems under different environments, which were taken in consideration during this study:
A. TYPE OF FLUIDSPipelines transport a variety of fluids, such as gases, crude oil, petroleum products, steam, carbon dioxide, water, wastewater, etc.
B. TYPE OF OPERATIONPipelines may operate in single-batch or multi-batch mode. In the single-batch mode of operation, pipelines operate continuously around the clock. In multi-batch mode, the pipelines function is based on a time schedule.