Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves are regularly observed in the Earth's magnetosphere. They are a convenient magnetospheric diagnosing tool because they interact with energetic charged particles. ULF waves of the Pc4-5 (40-600 s period) ranges most often are Alfvén waves standing along the magnetic field line between magnetically conjugated points in the ionosphere. Besides, the observed Alfvén waves differ in polarization (Anderson et al., 1990): if the radial component of the wave's magnetic field is much larger than the azimuthal component, then such a wave is called a poloidal Alfvén wave, and in the opposite case a wave is called a toroidal one. Poloidal Alfvén waves can interact with charged particles via the drift or drift-bounce resonances (Klimushkin et al., 2021), since they have significant azimuthal component of the wave electric field coinciding with particle drift direction, which leads to acceleration or deceleration of the particles. These resonant interactions are important for the dynamics of the ring current (Southwood et al., 1969) and radiation belt (Schulz & Lanzerotti, 1974) particles. Moreover, through these types of resonances poloidal Alfvén waves can be generated by two types of instabilities: the gradient instability caused by a steep earthward particle density gradient at a resonant energy, and the bump-on-tail instability, when a velocity distribution of the particles is inverted around the resonant energy, that is there is a bump at the energetic part of the distribution (Chen & Hasegawa, 1988;Karpman et al., 1977;Southwood, 1976). Most of the observed poloidal waves are the second harmonic of the Alfvén wave. They are asymmetric in the electric field relative to the equator and are generated by the drift-bounce resonance (