Given n symmetric Bernoulli variables, what can be said about their correlation matrix viewed as a vector? We show that the set of those vectors R(Bn) is a polytope and identify its vertices. Those extreme points correspond to correlation vectors associated to the discrete uniform distributions on diagonals of the cube [0, 1] n . We also show that the polytope is affinely isomorphic to a well-known cut polytope CUT(n) which is defined as a convex hull of the cut vectors in a complete graph with vertex set {1, . . . , n}. The isomorphism is obtained explicitly as R(Bn) = 1 − 2 CUT(n). As a corollary of this work, it is straightforward using linear programming to determine if a particular correlation matrix is realizable or not. Furthermore, a sampling method for multivariate symmetric Bernoullis with given correlation is obtained. In some cases the method can also be used for general, not exclusively Bernoulli, marginals.