An effective formulation of monetary policy provides an empirical and coherent model of money related with demand. In order for the monetary authorities to understand the demand for the purpose of money function, the steadiness of money demand is important as it leads towards an application of efficient monetary policy. In order to examine the stability of money demand function of Philippines, following study was conducted with broad money, real asset price index, GDP deflator, real GDP, long-term interest rate and short-term interest rate. For empirical investigation, unit root test, cointegration, and Granger-Causality tests were used. However, the findings of the cointegration suggests that cointegration reveals there is presence of linear combinations, and results shows that there are four cointegrating equations present. Therefore, it is evident that there are at least 4 cointegrating relations between the variables. Hence, some of macroeconomic indicators can be used to predict the broad money due to presence of vector. However, the Granger-Causality shows that no macroeconomic variable granger cause broad money (M1). Therefore, the selected macroeconomic indictors RS, LS, CPI, GDP deflator, RGDP and AP/P cannot be used to predict the variation in the broad money (M1) in case of Philippines. This means the money demand function in Philippines is not stable, and for this purpose further investigation is suggested by increasing sample size and time window in quarterly or semi-annually.