The International AGN Watch has monitored a number of radio-quiet and radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei -the most luminous objects in the universe. We present a review of the main observational results from the continuum monitoring campaigns, concentrating on those which aim to quantify the simultaneous ultraviolet to X-ray variability characteristics. These data provide strong constraints on the proposed continuum emission mechanisms. The AGN Watch campaigns have made extensive use of a wide variety of both ground-and space-based multi-waveband observational facilities, and we stress that long-term simultaneous access to the entire electromagnetic spectrum is essential if further progress is to be made.
THE INTERNATIONAL AGN WATCHIn the late 1980's an informal consortium of about 100 astronomers was formed to obtain large, high-quality multi-waveband data for investigation of the continuum and emission-line variability characteristics of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The consortium was formed in response to the realization that small groups were unlikely to obtain large amounts of observing time, and would face great practical difficulty in both coordinating observations over many months and rapidly reducing data from numerous ground-based and orbiting observatories. The AGN Watch exists to obtain such data and rapidly place them in the public domain. Smaller collaborations, drawn from both inside and outside AGN Watch, can then use these data to place firm constraints on the seemingly evergrowing list of proposed AGN models. Here we summarize the continuum monitoring campaigns. The emission-line monitoring is presented elsewhere (e.g. Peterson, these proceedings).
CONTINUUM MONITORING OF SEYFERT 1 GALAXIESThe AGN watch has conducted campaigns on 7 AGN to date. The object names, wavebands covered and publications in which the original data can be found are given in Table 1. The initial campaigns concentrated on UV (1150-3200Å) and optical monitoring using IUE and numerous ground-based telescopes. More recently the campaigns have been expanded to the EUV, X-ray and γ-ray wavebands to investigate the photoionizing continuum in detail, and to the IR to investigate the properties of hot dust and the putative dense molecular torus around the nucleus.