“…The indirect approach is to apply certain appropriate prefiltering to the input data sequence {x k } as well as to the low-pass output of each wavelet decomposition level to be used as input for the next level of wavelet decomposition (see [1,7,19,20]). On the other hand, the direct approach is to design Φ and Ψ so that the decomposition algorithm (1.1) ensures polynomial output {y L k } of degree K −1 (or order K) and zero output {y H k }, when the polynomial data sequences {x k } = {v s,k,m }, k ∈ Z, for 0 ≤ s ≤ r − 1 and 0 ≤ m ≤ K − 1, are used as input sequences in (1.1), where {P k }/{Q k } are the refinement (or two-scale) sequences corresponding to the orthonormal Φ and Ψ.…”