The results of an experimental investigation of X -pinch performance on the 1-MA "QiangGuang-1" facility are presented. "QiangGuang-1" is a linear-transformer-driver-based low-impedance pulsed power machine which provides a peak current of 0.9-1.3 MA and a 10%-90% rise time of 50-60 ns. X -pinch loads with 2-32 wires of different wire materials (Al, W, and Mo) with wire diameters from 25 to 100 μm have been tested. The number and size of bright spots, timing of the first X-ray burst, X -pinch dynamics, and X-ray spectroscopy have been studied using a set of diagnostics with spatial and/or temporal resolution. A single bright spot obtained from a 30 × 25 μm W X -pinch produced 42 J (35 GW) in the 1-10-keV energy range. The smallest bright spot size (radiating > 1.2 keV) observed was about 70 μm. Linear relations between the timing of the first X-ray burst and the wire parameters (diameter and number) in W X -pinches were observed. A spatially large extreme ultraviolet plasma radiation region at the crossing point was typically observed. Al X -pinch plasma parameters were estimated from X-ray spectroscopy.Index Terms-Plasma diagnostics, pulse power, X -pinch, X-ray spectroscopy.