I evaluated the effectiveness of plant roots to increase infiltration rates within stormwater bioretention facilities (SBFs), roadside planter compartments that filter stormwater. SBFs attenuate harmful effects of stormwater by reducing peak flow and retaining pollutants, with increased infiltration that improves both these functions.Researchers have shown that roots can increase infiltration within greenhouse, lab, field, and test SBF settings. However, no researchers have yet measured either the extent to which different root characteristics can increase infiltration or the variation in root characteristics and their effect on infiltration rates among plant assemblages within currently functioning SBFs.To determine if root-enhanced infiltration was occurring within SBFs, I This work strongly suggests plant roots increase infiltration, and thus the primary functions of SBFs. Different root characteristics appear to increase infiltration rate at different depths. Data also show larger-root biomass plants increase infiltration rate to a greater degree than smaller-root biomass plants.I recommend considering several site and facility characteristics when determining the potential for root-enhanced infiltration. When selecting plant species to enhance infiltration, I recommend using several criteria, determining root characteristic iii values at certain depths, considering installation approaches, and accounting for regional climate changes.iv Acknowledgements