(Coquillett, 1900), in the Nearctic Region, but without knowledge of the numerous unnamed Neotropical species (cf. Roháček & Barber, 2009; Barber & Roháček, 2010), the new genus cannot be correctly taxonomically delimited and described.The genus Mumetopia, as originally established by Melander (1913), was a polyphyletic, morphologically heterogenous group composed of three, superfi cially similar but only distantly related species, viz., M. occipitalis Melander, 1913 (type species), M. nigrimana (Coquillett, 1900) and M. terminalis (Loew, 1863). Based on analysis of morphological characters, Roháček & Barber (2009) demonstrated that only M. occipitalis and M. nigrimana belong to the monophyletic Chamaebosca group of genera (a clade including the genera Chamaebosca Speiser, 1903, Mumetopia and Stiphrosoma). The remaining species, M. terminalis, was recognized as not closely related to this clade and was subsequently included (as the type species) in a new genus, Quametopia, by Roháček & Barber (2011). Roháček & Barber (2009 also found that M. nigrimana (plus the numerous undescribed Neotropical species) represents a separate lineage that is more closely allied to the genus Stiphrosoma than to M. occipitalis. These fi ndings were later corroborated by molecular phylogenetic hypotheses (