In this chapter the authors explore the risks, challenges, and remediation efforts encountered in community-based residential broadband implementation efforts. The authors first summarize current research about efforts across the US, to show hot spots of activity and identify projects that have achieved a certain critical mass. The chapter reviews the literature in this area and examines communities that are implementing FTTH projects to understand the patterns of risks and challenges encountered. The authors identify a set of communities whose experiences have been the subject of case studies, to capture how they’ve addressed risks and challenges. In addition to frequently cited communities in the literature (e.g., Lafayette, LA; Bristol, VA; and Glasgow, KY), the authors highlight others that also display innovation and persistence in deploying FTTH to their citizens and encouraging subsequent adoption of broadband use, particularly as it pertains to e-government activities. Finally, the chapter suggests performance metrics for evaluating the risk and success of residential broadband projects, and recommends topics for further research.