The Standard Model prediction for µ-e scattering at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order (NNLO) contains non-perturbative QCD contributions given by diagrams with a hadronic vacuum polarization insertion in the photon propagator. By taking advantage of the hyperspherical integration method, we show that the subset of hadronic NNLO corrections where the vacuum polarization appears inside a loop, the irreducible diagrams, can be calculated employing the hadronic vacuum polarization in the space-like region, without making use of the R ratio and time-like data. We present the analytic expressions of the kernels necessary to evaluate numerically the two types of irreducible diagrams: the two-loop vertex and box corrections. As a cross check, we evaluate these corrections numerically and we compare them with the results given by the traditional dispersive approach and with analytic two-loop vertex results in QED.