The 2S B c states observed by ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Collaborations are discussed. The observation perspectives of B * c , 2P wave, 3P wave and D wave states of B c at LHC experiments are estimated.
INTRODUCTIONB c -meson is a nonrelativistic two heavy quark system, and like (bb) and (cc) states can be considered in the potential model framework that predicts 19 bounded states (bc) below the decay threshold to BD (see [1][2][3][4]). Unlike (bb)or (cc)-quarkonium, there are no annihilation decay modes for these states, which makes the (bc) system similar to usual bq or cq-meson. The first observation of the ground state B c -meson was done at Tevatron collider (CDF and D0 experiments) in two decay modes: B c → Jψlν (l = e, µ) and B c → Jψπ [5-8]. Now this discovery is repeatedly confirmed by the LHC Collaborations LHCb, CMS, ATLAS in numeral decay modes: B c → Jψπ [9-11], B c → Jψπππ [10, 12], B c → J/ψlν [13], B c → J/ψK [14], B c → ψ(2S)π [15], B c → J/ψπKK [16], B c → JψD ( * ) K ( * ) [17, 18], B c → J/ψD ( * ) s [19, 20], B c → J/ψπpp [21], B c → J/ψ3π + 2π − [22] and B c → B s π + [23]. It is worth to note that most of these decays occur due to transformation b → cW . The only observed mode with c quark decay is B c → B s π + . The annihilation channel is not observed yet. It is interesting to note that according to theoretical predictions the dominant decay channel is c → sW , the contribution of b → cW is smaller, and the smallest contribution is *