To mitigate the Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in the world, about 16,000 transplants of autologous stem cell allogeneic and 29 000 are performed. In Brazil, the transplantation of autologous bone marrow stems cells increased by about the 1000 per year. The aim of this study was to identify short-term results by intracoronary infusion of autologous mononuclear layer cells from bone marrow by SEPAX in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy to examine improvement in Functional Class and Ventricular Ejection Fraction. In the methodology, of the 15 patients with a mean age of 59 years, nine were male and six were carriers of resynchronization. Thus, access to the infusion of stem cells from mononuclear layer was the femoral artery and the coronary arteries were selected angioplasty guide catheters. In flow rate of 1.0 mL per minute, were infused 10.0 mL of cell solution in AD, 2.0 mL in LxC and 8.0 mL in RCA when it was dominant, and in cases of left dominance, was infused 8.0 mL in LxC and 2.0 mL in RCA. As a result, of the 15 patients before treatment, 10 had Functional Class IV and Functional Class III and five demonstrated after treatment, 1 patient was in class I, 11 patients were in Functional Class II and 3 patients were in Functional Class III. Have Ventricular Ejection Fraction before treatment averaged 23.6% and posttreatment average was 36.27%. There was no significant difference between patients with and without pacemaker. After treatment with pacemaker the Ventricular Ejection Fraction was 37.33 and Ventricular Ejection Fraction 35.48% without pacemaker. In conclusion, treatment with intracoronary infusion of stem cells from mononuclear layer showed significant improvement in Functional Class and Ventricular Ejection Fraction in patients with Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, refractory to therapy, over a period of 12 to 24 months after treatment.