As a cancer immunotherapy tool, idiotypes (Ids) have been used in different ways over the last three decades, depending on the actual human tumor cell target. It all started with passive, monoclonal, anti-Id antibody treatment of B-cell lymphoma, a setting in which results were tantalizing, but logistics unsustainable. It then moved toward the development of anti-Id vaccines for the treatment of the same tumors, a setting in which we have recently provided the first formal proof of principle of clinical benefit associated with the use of a human cancer vaccine. Meanwhile, it also expanded in the direction of exploiting the antigenic mimicry of some Ids with Idunrelated, tumor-associated antigens for the immunotherapy of a number of solid tumors, a setting in which clinical results are still far from being consolidated. All in all, over the years Id-based immunotherapy has paved the way for a number of seminal therapeutic improvements for cancer patients, including the development of most if not all Id-unrelated monoclonal antibodies that have recently revolutionized the field.