Ratcliff R, Hasegawa YT, Hasegawa RP, Smith PL, Segraves MA. Dual diffusion model for single-cell recording data from the superior colliculus in a brightness-discrimination task. J Neurophysiol 97: 1756Neurophysiol 97: -1774Neurophysiol 97: , 2007. First published November 22, 2006; doi:10.1152/jn.00393.2006. Monkeys made saccades to one of two peripheral targets based on the brightness of a central stimulus. Task difficulty was manipulated by varying the ratio of stimulus black-and-white pixels. Correct response probability for two monkeys varied directly with difficulty. Deep layer SC neurons exhibited robust presaccadic activity the magnitude of which was unaffected by task difficulty when the stimulus specified a saccade toward a target within the neuron's response field. Activity after stimuli specifying saccades to targets outside the response field was affected by task difficulty, increasing as the task became more difficult. A quantitative model derived from studies of human decision-making was fit to the behavioral data. The model assumes that information from the stimulus drives two independent diffusion processes. Simulated paths from the model were compared with neuron activity, assuming that firing rate is linearly related to position in the accumulation process. The firing rate data show delayed availability of discriminative information for fast, intermediate, and slow decisions when activity is aligned on the stimulus and very small differences in discriminative information when aligned on the saccade. The model produces exactly these patterns of results. The accumulation process is highly variable, allowing the process both to make errors, as is the case for the behavioral performance, and also to account for the firing rate results. Thus the dual diffusion model provides a quantitative account for both the behavior in a simple decision-making task as well as the patterns of activity in competing populations of neurons.
I N T R O D U C T I O NResearch in neural decision making is at the point of identifying the mechanisms that implement simple decisions (Glimcher and Sparks 1992;Gold and Shadlen 2000;Hanes and Schall 1996; Newsome 1999, 2001;Kim and Shadlen 1999;Krauzlis and Dill 2002;McPeek and Keller 2002;Ratcliff et al. 2003a;Roitman and Shadlen 2002;Romo et al. 2002;Sparks 1999). In parallel to this work, psychology has produced a set of models that describe simple rapid two-choice decision making Townsend 1992, 1993;Diederich 1997;LaBerge 1994;Laming 1968;Link 1975;Link and Heath 1975; Pike 1966Pike , 1973Ratcliff 1978Ratcliff , 1981Ratcliff , 1988 Rouder 1998, 2000;Ratcliff and Smith 2004;Ratcliff et al. 1999;Roe et al. 2001;Smith 1995;Smith and Ratcliff 2004;Smith and Van Zandt 2000;Stone 1960;Townsend and Ashby 1983). We present a diffusion model that explicitly relates these two domains in the context of a single experiment. The model is applied to simple twochoice decisions and accounts for both behavioral data, namely, accuracy and correct and error response time (RT) distributi...