-Exertional dyspnea limits exercise in some mitochondrial myopathy (MM) patients, but the clinical features of this syndrome are poorly defined, and its underlying mechanism is unknown. We evaluated ventilation and arterial blood gases during cycle exercise and recovery in five MM patients with exertional dyspnea and genetically defined mitochondrial defects, and in four control subjects (C). Patient ventilation was normal at rest. During exercise, MM patients had low V O2peak (28 Ϯ 9% of predicted) and exaggerated systemic O 2 delivery relative to O2 utilization (i.e., a hyperkinetic circulation). High perceived breathing effort in patients was associated with exaggerated ventilation relative to metabolic rate with high V E/V O2peak, (MM ϭ 104 Ϯ 18; C ϭ 42 Ϯ 8, P Յ 0.001), and V E/V CO2peak, (MM ϭ 54 Ϯ 9; C ϭ 34 Ϯ 7, P Յ 0.01); a steeper slope of increase in ⌬V E/⌬V CO2 (MM ϭ 50.0 Ϯ 6.9; C ϭ 32.2 Ϯ 6.6, P Յ 0.01); and elevated peak respiratory exchange ratio (RER), (MM ϭ 1.95 Ϯ 0.31, C ϭ 1.25 Ϯ 0.03, P Յ 0.01). Arterial lactate was higher in MM patients, and evidence for ventilatory compensation to metabolic acidosis included lower Pa CO 2 and standard bicarbonate. However, during 5 min of recovery, despite a further fall in arterial pH and lactate elevation, ventilation in MM rapidly normalized. These data indicate that exertional dyspnea in MM is attributable to mitochondrial defects that severely impair muscle oxidative phosphorylation and result in a hyperkinetic circulation in exercise. Exaggerated exercise ventilation is indicated by markedly elevated V E/V O2, V E/V CO2, and RER. While lactic acidosis likely contributes to exercise hyperventilation, the fact that ventilation normalizes during recovery from exercise despite increasing metabolic acidosis strongly indicates that additional, exercise-specific mechanisms are responsible for this distinctive pattern of exercise ventilation.hyperventilation; lactic acidosis; metaboreflex; exercise; oxidative phosphorylation EXERTIONAL DYSPNEA WAS FIRST described as a symptom that limited exercise in mitochondrial myopathy (MM) in patients with a familial disorder studied by Linderholm and coworkers in the 1960s (36, 38), a disease now recognized to be attributable to a mutation in the iron-sulfur cluster scaffold (ISCU) gene (40, 42) and associated with deficiency of multiple iron-sulfur proteins, including succinate dehydrogenase and aconitase (20,21). Exertional dyspnea has since been described as a dominant feature of exercise intolerance in other mitochondrial myopathies that severely restrict muscle oxidative phosphorylation (3a, 22). Moreover, mitochondrial disease has been suggested to be an underrecognized cause of unexplained exertional dyspnea (16,25), although, these reports lacked genetic confirmation and, in most cases, did not include biochemical assessment to indicate the presence and severity of the putative mitochondrial defect (16). To better define the physiological manifestations of exertional dyspnea in mitochondrial myopathy, we have evalu...