DS. Attenuated muscle metaboreflex-induced pressor response during postexercise muscle ischemia in renovascular hypertension. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 308: R650 -R658, 2015. First published January 28, 2015 doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00464.2014.-During dynamic exercise, muscle metaboreflex activation (MMA; induced via partial hindlimb ischemia) markedly increases mean arterial pressure (MAP), and MAP is sustained when the ischemia is maintained following the cessation of exercise (postexercise muscle ischemia, PEMI). We previously reported that the sustained pressor response during PEMI in normal individuals is driven by a sustained increase in cardiac output (CO) with no peripheral vasoconstriction. However, we have recently shown that the rise in CO with MMA is significantly blunted in hypertension (HTN). The mechanisms sustaining the pressor response during PEMI in HTN are unknown. In six chronically instrumented canines, hemodynamic responses were observed during rest, mild exercise (3.2 km/h), MMA, and PEMI in the same animals before and after the induction of HTN [Goldblatt two kidney, one clip (2K1C)]. In controls, MAP, CO and HR increased with MMA (ϩ52 Ϯ 6 mmHg, ϩ2.1 Ϯ 0.3 l/min, and ϩ37 Ϯ 7 beats per minute). After induction of HTN, MAP at rest increased from 97 Ϯ 3 to 130 Ϯ 4 mmHg, and the metaboreflex responses were markedly attenuated (ϩ32 Ϯ 5 mmHg, ϩ0.6 Ϯ 0.2 l/min, and ϩ11 Ϯ 3 bpm). During PEMI in HTN, HR and CO were not sustained, and MAP fell to normal recovery levels. We conclude that the attenuated metaboreflex-induced HR, CO, and MAP responses are not sustained during PEMI in HTN.exercise pressor reflex; postexercise circulatory occlusion; peripheral resistance; hypertension THE MUSCLE METABOREFLEX IS a very powerful blood pressureraising reflex (1,3,12,22,42,48,51,65). Metabolically sensitive afferents of this reflex (group III/IV) are stimulated by metabolites (e.g., protons, lactate, potassium, and diprotonated phosphate), which accumulate within underperfused active skeletal muscle (10, 19, 30, 32, 35, 46, 47, 56 -58, 61). Muscle metaboreflex activation results in a reflex increase in sympathetic outflow (9, 28 -30, 36 -38, 62). During submaximal dynamic exercise, metaboreflex activation markedly increases heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO) and left ventricular dP/dt max , with little effect on the peripheral vasculature (5,16,17,26,27,55,60,65). Therefore, the substantial metaboreflex-mediated pressor response observed during mild dynamic exercise is virtually solely the result of the increase in CO.In contrast, when metaboreflex activation is maintained following the cessation of submaximal dynamic exercise (postexercise muscle ischemia, PEMI) in normal subjects, the pressor response is sustained despite a decrease in HR toward resting levels with a time course similar to normal recovery from exercise (1,2,21,44,49,50,(62)(63)(64). The fall in HR during PEMI led some investigators to question the role of CO in mediating the sustained pressor response during PEMI (21,49,50,63)....