Background: Musculoskeletal disorders have been identified as one of the most costly and demanding illnesses across the world amongst the working population, with labour intensive industries largely affected. The situation is appalling in developing nations wherein there is high demand for energy and yet has limited energy systems and expertise to produce clean energy. Moreover, there is often a distressing lack of awareness on ergonomic issues, education and training initiatives. Erudite fellows have undertaken similar studies with reference to MSDs in power stations around the world and provided possible remedies. However, this study focused on the circulating fluidised bed boiler technology installed with fluidized bed heat exchangers (FBHEs). Since the commissioning of Morupule B power plant 4*150 mw units, the fluidized bed heat exchangers (FBHEs) proved to be a regular stop point for maintenance and operations team, hence a high ergonomic risk area for everyone working at the area.