This chapter outlines the social function of music, emphasising music as a universally accessible, social phenomenon. I propose five categories and one overarching caveat represented by the anacronym C-WARIS (Communication, Wellbeing, Art, Ritual, Identity and Social Networks). The primary social function of music is communication. Music is utilised in maintaining and enhancing wellbeing and as a pleasurable art form. It functions universally with within religious, spiritual and ceremonial activities. Music also functions as a resource in establishing and maintaining identities and social networks. Reciprocal determinism (Bandura, 1986) and social identity theory (Turner & Reynolds 2010) are used to offer overarching theoretical contexts for these mechanisms. Introduction We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the common denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.Willie Nelson We are all musical and music is universal; these are not glib assertions, but wellevidenced conclusions drawn by researchers from across the academic spectrum. Music is universally accessible and universally available. Everyone can communicate using music and everyone can be moved by experiencing music, regardless of environmental or health factors . These observations lead us to ask a very basic question: what are the functions of music? While the quote above from Willie Nelson (Nelson & McMurtry, 2003, p. 119) may seem just another glib generalisation, there are several points of interest for us in terms of the aims of this chapter. Willie Nelson signals music's universal presence and its distinction as a unique and separate channel of communication, quite separate from other channels (e.g., language, visual). In saying music "goes right to the soul", he draws on the observation that music can invoke powerful emotions and deep memories; it can help bring people together and unite us in a collective activity. These are not anodyne blandishments, but suggest that underlying music's power to communicate are significant social, psychological and musical processes that combine in unique and important ways to help give music its meaning.