During the period 1980-1990 long-term physical, chemical and ecological studies were carried out, to study the changes induced by the building of a storm-surge barrier in the mouth of the Oosterschelde estuary and two large auxiliary compartment dams in the rear ends of the estuary . The storm-surge barrier was constructed in the mouth of Oosterschelde estuary (SW Netherlands) during the period 1979-1986 . The barrier allows the tides to enter the estuary freely, and, on the other hand, the barrier guarantees safety for the human population and their properties when a stormflood threatens the area .Oosterschelde estuary is isolated from the river input, the rear ends of the ecosystem were separated from the estuary by sea-walls and the strongly decreased tidal exchange with the North Sea induced sheltered circumstances . The Oosterschelde changed from a turbid estuary into a tidal bay, and yet primary production responses appear to be robust and resilient, and the biological communities showed only quantitative shifts from the dominance of specific species assemblages to other assemblages . In many cases predicted changes in the structure of the biological communities could not be verified owing to the large natural variability mainly caused by physical factors (e .g . temperature) .
The Delta Project -Storm flood protection in the OosterscheldeThe Netherlands Delta Project covers the socalled Delta area, created by the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt . Like most delta-estuarine environments, this area represents, in its natural state, complicated ecosystems consisting of a complex hydrodynamic regime, with fast-flowing water masses in tidal channels, changing estuarine configurations, inhomogeneous tidal and subtidal sediments, and salt-marsh areas subject to periodic flooding . The history of the SW Netherlands is marked by a continuous struggle between man and the sea . Since the year 1000 man reclaimed salt-marsh areas and transformed those into agricultural land . But irregularly occurring stormfloods broke the man-built seawalls and recaptured parts of the gained land. On February 1, 1953, a northwesterly storm induced tides to 3 m above normal levels, breached approximately 180 km of coastal-defense dikes and flooded 160000 hectares of polderland . 1835 people lost their lives in this large storm flood, more than 46000 farms and buildings were destroyed or damaged, and approximately 200000 farm animals were lost .The Delta Project, formalized in 1957 by an act