Escherichia coli strains bearing wild-type and mutant alleles of various recombination genes, as well as plasmids that express recombination-related genes of bacteriophages A and P22, were tested for their proficiency as recipients in Hfr-mediated conjugation. It was found that the homologous recombination systems of both phages could promote recombination in a recB recC mutant host. In addition, the Abc function of P22, but not the Gam function of X, was found to inhibit recombination in a wild-type host; however, both Abc and Gam inhibited recombination in a recF mutant host. These observations are interpreted as indicating that the recombination systems of both phages, as well as the RecBCD-modulating functions Abc and Gam, all activate the RecF recombination pathway of E. coli.Bacteriophages A and P22 encode their own homologous recombination systems, which promote recombination between phage chromosomes even in the absence of hostencoded RecA and RecBCD proteins (2,4,5,(13)(14)(15) In the experiments summarized in Table 1, wild-type and mutant strains of Escherichia coli bearing plasmids that express various and P22 genes were tested for their abilities to serve as recipients in Hfr-mediated conjugation. In the construction of these plasmids, described previously (5, 11, 12), phage genes were fused to the lacUVS promoter and ligated into the lacI-bearing, tetracycline resistanceconferring vector pMC7. buffer, glucose (0.4%), Casamino Acid hydrolysate (0.2%), thiamine (0.2 ,ug/ml), and streptomycin (100 ,ug/ml). Donor titers were determined by mixing cells with the appropriate volume of L broth, incubating in parallel with the mating mixtures, and plating on L agar. Recombinant titers were determined by plating the mating mixtures on minimal E glucose agar plates containing streptomycin, arginine, histidine, and proline (100 ,ug/ml each). In experiment 2, the donor was MV1955 (a thr-35::Tn9 derivative of BW113). Donor titers were determined as in the other experiments except that the plating medium was L agar containing 25 jig of chloramphenicol per ml. Recipient titers were determined by plating the mating mixtures on L agar containing 100 ,ug of streptomycin per ml. Recombinant titers were determined by plating the mating mixtures on L agar containing both chloramphenicol and streptomycin. In all experiments, titers for control mixtures that lacked either donors or recipients were determined under selective conditions; the background was undetectable in all cases (data not shown).