The t'Hooft-Polyakov monopole mass can be substantially altered, in the thick GS and HC brane-world setup, and can be employed to constrain the brane thickness limit. In this work, we comprise a brief review regarding gauge fields localization in the string-like six dimensional brane-world models setup. The correction to the Coulomb's law in two models is studied. Besides, the monopole features are investigated from the point of view of the gauge fields localization in the string-like brane-worlds and its thickness. PACS numbers: 11.25.-w, 03.50.-z, 14.80.Hv
I. INTRODUCTIONThe main aim of this work is to deal with the mass of the monopole, in string-like models on six dimensions. It is remarkable to mention that in the scope of applications of brane-worlds models, several recent works perform the study of the informational entropy [1-7] underlying these scenarios, using Einstein-dilaton systems to derive phenomenologically compatible data. These models are used to respond to LHCb anomalies [8,9], and several others applications, in the context of black holes [10-12], dark matter [13] and inflationary universe theories [14][15][16].Six-dimensional (6D) anti-de Sitter (AdS 6 ) brane-worlds [17,18] have some interesting features, as the remarkable advantage of trapping the massless gauge fields with only gravity [19][20][21][22][23], in opposition to what occurs in 5D domain wall models [24] and DPG models [25], and minimally coupled Dirac fermions [23,[26][27][28][29], even when thin brane models are considered. In the context of Lorentz violation scenarios in brane-worlds, the massless four-dimensional (4D) graviton can be only confined in 6D models [30]. Fermions fields in 6D have also prominent applications to the * Electronic address: