Pseudomonas fluorescens is a model for the study of adaptive radiation. When propagated in a spatially structured environment, the bacterium rapidly diversifies into a range of niche specialist genotypes. Here we present a genetic dissection and phenotypic characterization of the fuzzy spreader (FS) morphotype-a type that arises repeatedly during the course of the P. fluorescens radiation and appears to colonize the bottom of static broth microcosms. The causal mutation is located within gene fuzY (pflu0478)-the fourth gene of the five-gene fuzVWXYZ operon. fuzY encodes a b-glycosyltransferase that is predicted to modify lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O antigens. The effect of the mutation is to cause cell flocculation. Analysis of 92 independent FS genotypes showed each to have arisen as the result of a loss-of-function mutation in fuzY, although different mutations have subtly different phenotypic and fitness effects. Mutations within fuzY were previously shown to suppress the phenotype of mat-forming wrinkly spreader (WS) types. This prompted a reinvestigation of FS niche preference. Time-lapse photography showed that FS colonizes the meniscus of broth microcosms, forming cellular rafts that, being too flimsy to form a mat, collapse to the vial bottom and then repeatably reform only to collapse. This led to a reassessment of the ecology of the P. fluorescens radiation. Finally, we show that ecological interactions between the three dominant emergent types (smooth, WS, and FS), combined with the interdependence of FS and WS on fuzY, can, at least in part, underpin an evolutionary arms race with bacteriophage SBW25F2, to which mutation in fuzY confers resistance.A DAPTIVE radiation-the rapid emergence of phenotypic and ecological diversity within an expanding lineage-is among the most striking of evolutionary phenomena (Darwin 1859;Lack 1947;Dobzhansky 1951;Simpson 1953;Schluter 2000;Kassen 2009;Losos 2010). Fueled by competition and facilitated by ecological opportunity, successive radiations have shaped much of life's diversity. Of central importance are the phenotypic innovations that fashion the fit between organism and environment (Schluter 2000).Understanding the nature of these innovations and the pathways by which they emerge and rise to prominenceoften in parallel across estranged populations experiencing similar environments-is a central issue (Colosimo et al. 2005;Bantinaki et al. 2007;Conte et al. 2012). How mutational processes generate the variation presented to selection (McDonald et al. 2009;Braendle et al. 2010), how genetic architecture underpinning extant phenotypes determines the capacity of lineages to generate new and adaptive phenotypes (Poole et al. 2003;Wagner and Zhang 2011), and how ecological factors drive phenotypic divergence (Schluter 2009) are questions of seminal interest.The relative simplicity of microbial systems, their capacity for rapid evolutionary change, and advances in technology that enable detailed genotypic traceability offer a unique opportunity to log moment-by-...