Nucleotide incorporation by the herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA polymerase catalytic subunit (pol) is less faithful than for most replicative DNA polymerases, despite the presence of an associated 3 -to 5 -exonuclease (exo) activity. To determine the aspects of fidelity affected by the exo activity, nucleotide incorporation and mismatch extension frequency for purified wild-type and an exo-deficient mutant (D368A) pol were compared using primer/templates that varied at only a single position. For both enzymes, nucleotide discrimination during incorporation occurred predominantly at the level of K m for nucleotide and was the major contributor to fidelity. The contribution of the exo activity to reducing the efficiency of formation of half of all possible mispairs was 6-fold or less, and 30-fold when averaged for the formation of all possible mispairs. In steady-state reactions, mismatches imposed a significant kinetic barrier to extension independent of exo activity. However, during processive DNA synthesis in the presence of only three nucleotides, misincorporation and mismatch extension were efficient for both exo-deficient and wildtype pol catalytic subunits, although slower kinetics of mismatch extension by the exo-deficient pol were observed. The UL42 processivity factor decreased the extent of misincorporation by both the wild-type and the exo-deficient pol to similar levels, but mismatch extension by the wild-type pol⅐UL42 complex was much less efficient than by the mutant pol⅐UL42. Thus, despite relatively frequent (1 in 300) misincorporation events catalyzed by wild-type herpes simplex virus pol⅐UL42 holoenzyme, mismatch extension occurs only rarely, prevented in part by the kinetic barrier to extending a mismatch. The kinetic barrier also increases the probability that a mismatched primer terminus will be transferred to the exo site where it can be excised by the associated exo activity and subsequently extended with correct nucleotide.Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) 1 is the best characterized member of the large family of Herpesviridae pathogenic to humans, which also includes Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster virus, human cytomegalovirus, and Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus (reviewed in Ref. 1). Viruses in this family encode most of the proteins essential for and directly involved in DNA replication (2-4), including a well conserved DNA polymerase catalytic subunit (pol), which is a member of the polymerase B family (5, 6). HSV-1 pol possesses 5Ј-to 3Ј-polymerizing and 3Ј-to 5Ј-exonuclease (exo) activities (7,8), the latter of which is involved in the removal of incorrectly incorporated deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (9 -12). The importance of this proofreading activity for maintaining fidelity of DNA replication was suggested by studies from our laboratory that demonstrated the relatively poor ability of HSV-1 pol to discriminate between the correct and incorrect nucleotide for incorporation in single turnover experiments (13). That study (13) reported that selectivity of correct o...