SUMMARY: NBIA characterizes a class of neurodegenerative diseases that feature a prominent extrapyramidal movement disorder, intellectual deterioration, and a characteristic deposition of iron in the basal ganglia. The diagnosis of NBIA is made on the basis of the combination of representative clinical features along with MR imaging evidence of iron accumulation. In many cases, confirmatory molecular genetic testing is now available as well. A number of new subtypes of NBIA have recently been described, with distinct neuroradiologic and clinical features. This article outlines the known subtypes of NBIA, delineates their clinical and radiographic features, and suggests an algorithm for evaluation.ABBREVIATIONS: ACP ϭ aceruloplasminemia; CNS ϭ central nervous system; FAHN ϭ fatty acid hydroxylase-associated neurodegeneration; INAD ϭ infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy; KRS ϭ KuforRakeb syndrome; NAD ϭ neuroaxonal dystrophy; NBIA ϭ neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation; NFT ϭ neuroferritinopathy; PKAN ϭ pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration; PLAN ϭ phospholipase-associated neurodegeneration; SENDA ϭ static encephalopathy of childhood with neurodegeneration in adulthood; WSS ϭ Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome B efore the widespread availability of MR imaging, a diagnosis of NBIA could be made only at the time of autopsy. In contrast, current diagnosis is facilitated by evaluation by using both T1-and T2-weighted sequences. As a paramagnetic substance, Fe 3ϩ catalyzes the nuclear spin relaxation of neighboring water protons. With standard clinical parameters, areas rich in iron appear hypointense on T2-weighted sequences, and isointense on T1 sequences. T2*-weighted acquisitions (gradient-echo sequences) may accentuate this degree of hypointensity ("blooming") and may be helpful in identifying NBIA disorders as may susceptibility-weighted images.1 In biologic iron-oxides, Fe 2ϩ typically has fewer unpaired electrons than Fe 3ϩ and is less effective in quenching T2-weighted signal intensity.2 Calcium may also appear isointense on T1 and hypointense on T2-weighted sequences, mimicking the appearance of iron. The 2 minerals are readily distinguished by CT, however, because Ca 2ϩ characteristically appears hyperintense to the surrounding brain parenchyma, while iron is isointense. In addition, iron typically appears markedly hypointense on both standard clinical diffusionweighted and apparent diffusion coefficient sequences. Other metals that may be deposited in neurodegenerative disorders, such as manganese and copper, have a distinct appearance on T1-and T2-weighted sequences, enabling a heuristic approach to diagnosis based on MR imaging parameters. The characteristics of these metals are summarized in Table 1. Despite the utility of MR imaging in this setting, it does not preclude the need for elemental analysis of neuropathologic specimens; rather, it enables putative diagnosis to be made during life.The radiographic appearance of the lesions themselves is of prime importance. Iron deposition occurs in mul...