The N terminus of skeletal myosin light chain 1 and the cardiomyopathy loop of human cardiac myosin have been shown previously to bind to actin in the presence and absence of tropomyosin (Patchell, V. B., Gallon, C. E., Hodgkin, M. A., Fattoum, A., Perry, S. V., and Levine, B. A. (2002) Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 5088 -5100). We have extended this work and have shown that segments corresponding to other regions of human cardiac -myosin, presumed to be sites of interaction with F-actin (residues 554 -584, 622-646, and 633-660), likewise bind independently to actin under similar conditions. The binding to F-actin of a peptide spanning the minimal inhibitory segment of human cardiac troponin I (residues 134 -147) resulted in the dissociation from F-actin of all the myosin peptides bound to it either individually or in combination. Troponin C neutralized the effect of the inhibitory peptide on the binding of the myosin peptides to F-actin. We conclude that the binding of the inhibitory region of troponin I to actin, which occurs during relaxation in muscle when the calcium concentration is low, imposes conformational changes that are propagated to different locations on the surface of actin. We suggest that the role of tropomyosin is to facilitate the transmission of structural changes along the F-actin filament so that the monomers within a structural unit are able to interact with myosin.One of the outstanding problems of muscle is to define in protein structural terms how actin interacts with myosin. This interaction enables the conversion of myosin from an enzyme that in the resting muscle hydrolyzes its substrate, MgATP, at a very low rate to one with the high rate associated with contraction. These features are intrinsic to the regulatory process. Crystals of actomyosin or the myosin head (S1) complexed with actin are not yet available to permit the determination of the high resolution structure of the myosin motor domain bound to actin. Nevertheless, modeling of the interaction using the known structures of actin and myosin S1, mutation studies, and a variety of experimental approaches have highlighted a number of regions on the myosin motor domain that may be involved in the interaction (1-15). It was concluded from the original structural studies on chicken skeletal myosin S1 that the interface with actin is likely to involve at least three exposed segments common to members of the myosin family (1, 2). Implicated in making contact with a single actin subunit were the regions comprising chicken skeletal myosin residues 403-416 (the so-called "cardiomyopathy" loop), the helix-turnhelix region, residues 529 -558, and residues 626 -647 (loop 2, at the protease-sensitive junction between the 50-and 20-kDa domains). Another surface loop, residues 567-578, has been modeled as interacting with an adjacent actin monomer (1, 2, 4).The short cardiomyopathy loop of myosin is resolved as a well defined surface protrusion that is modeled as docking onto actin upon strong binding of myosin (4,7,8). This loop region is clearl...