Temperature profiles are calculated near the superftuid transition in the.presence of a heat flow in the normal, superftuid and coexisting phases. In particular, in the neighborhood of the Hei-Heii interface, vortices on the superftuid side give rise to a temperature gradient much smaller than that on the normal fluid side by a factor c: m( ~ 10-3). As a result the predicted temperature depression T,-T on the superftuid side is measurable only when the size of a thermometer is smaller than ~clcm~ 10-'Q-112 em with Q in mW /em', ~c being the interfacial thickness of order 3 X 10-5 Q-' 12 cm. Therefore, the mutual friction can have a significant effect in measurements of temperatures near the interface, which appears to explain the discrepancy between the theory and Bhagat and Lasken's measurement. § 1. Introduction
935Near the superfluid transition the thermal resistance depends on T-T;. strongly, where T is the temperature and T;. is the critical temperature. As a result the gradient VT can be strongly inhomogeneous in the presence of a constant heat flowQ. In this paper we examine the resultant nonlinear temperature profiles in three possible phases under heat flow, namely, the normal fluid phase, the superfluid phase and the coexistence phase. 1 > The coexistence of the two phases has been investigated recently. 2 >,a> The interfacial thickness is of order ~c=kc -\where kccx:. Q 112 . A flat interface is at rest only when the temperature on the superfluid side T satisfies T;.-T=A,,Q 314 where A""~ 10-5 deg with Q in mW/cm 2 • In this case the superfluid density Ps and the superfluid velocity Vs(cx:.Q/ps) are both proportional to Q 112 . We find that Vs well exceeds the critical velocity Vsc associated with the vortex generation for any value of Q. 2 >,a> (Note that Vsccx:.Ps. 4 >) Vortices thus produced give rise to only a relatively small VT far from the interface and do not affect the interfacial structure. § 2. N orrnal fluid phase Let Tr and T2 be the temperatures at the cooler and warmer ends of the cell. The linear response theory holds only when T2-Tr ~ T2-T;.. In the region where the reduce temperature t = ( T-T;.) / T;. (which should not be confused with the time variable) is greater than a characteristic reduced temperature tc, the inhomogeneity is weak and T obeys ;..dT =Q dx 'where (2) at