“…The photocatalytic process consists of producing electron/hole (e – /h + ) pairs, e – /h + recombination, and capture of photogenerated e – /h + by the adsorbed compound at the surface of the semiconductor photocatalyst, resulting in reduction and/or oxidation reactions. The rapid recombination of the e – /h + pair is disadvantageous to the whole process and limits the photocatalytic efficiency. − A number of semiconductor photocatalysts have been widely used for the reduction of CO 2 into fuels, such as TiO 2 , CdS, ZnO, and In 2 O 3 . Among them, TiO 2 has attracted a lot of attention as a photocatalyst due to its lower cost. − Nonetheless, TiO 2 exhibits weak performance due to the fast electron/hole (e – /h + ) pair recombination rate and large band gap energy, being active only under UV light irradiations, disadvantages that need to be overcome to become an active photocatalyst. ,− To overcome some of these limitations, different approaches can be considered such as (i) adding a sacrificial agent, (ii) depositing metallic nanoparticles, or (iii) the use of semiconductors with a narrow band gap. − Due to their higher absorption rate, lower toxicity, and higher stability, amines have been used, as a sacrificial electron donor, in the field of artificial photosynthesis by researchers from the 1970s to the present day. , The use of sacrificial amines allows the photoreduction of CO 2 to take place, when the position of the valence band (VB) of the photocatalysts is negative compared to the standard oxidation potential of H 2 O, and at the same time accelerates the separation rates of the electron–hole pairs and therefore improves the photoreduction of CO 2 . − Graphene oxide (GO) is another very favorable option in the photocatalytic field, which contributes to the effective degradation of CO 2 .…”