Research investigating the acceptance of information systems mostly focuses on systems designed for long-term use, rather than one-time or short-term use. However, short-term use systems are part of the health information technology portfolio. We propose a theoretical model inspired by the D&M IS Success Model to investigate user satisfaction, as a measure of acceptance, with a web-based decision aid designed for short-term decision-making. We hypothesize that media richness affects perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, learnability, information quality, perceived social presence, and trust, which eventually affect user satisfaction. We propose a mixed-method to test hypotheses using eyetracking, surveys, and interviews. As a pilot qualitative study (N=8), the survey outcomes indicated that constructs performed well (mean 7-point Likert scores >= 5.15 and mean system usability scale = 75). The eye-tracking and interview results showed that participants prefer multimedia, and pictures and visual designs drew their attention to the decision aid website.