In the Netherlands, isolation of Mycobacterium xenopi is infrequent, and its clinical relevance is often uncertain. To determine clinical relevance and determinants, we retrospectively reviewed medical fi les of all patients in the Netherlands in whom M. xenopi was isolated from January 1999 through March 2005 by using diagnostic criteria for nontuberculous mycobacterial infection published by the American Thoracic Society. We found 49 patients, mostly white men, with an average age of 60 years and pre-existing pulmonary disease; of these patients, 25 (51%) met the diagnostic criteria. Mycobacterial genotype, based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, was associated with true infection. Most infections were pulmonary, but pleural and spinal infections (spinal in HIV-infected patients) were also noted. Treatment regimens varied in content and duration; some patients were overtreated and some were undertreated. M ycobacterium xenopi was fi rst described by Schwabacher in 1959; it was isolated from skin lesions in a clawed frog and named after the offi cial species designation of the frog, Xenopus laevis (1). Thereafter, these slowgrowing mycobacteria have been recovered from heated water systems in many countries and more recently from natural waters in Finland (2). Transmission to humans is believed to originate from the environment, through aerosol inhalation or ingestion. Human-to-human transmission and transmission from animal reservoirs remain controversial because these routes have not been proven by molecular typing (3,4).Pulmonary M. xenopi infections are most common, but extrapulmonary and disseminated infections have also been recorded (5,6). A predisposing factor is impaired immunity, either local (e.g., pre-existing pulmonary disease) or systemic (e.g., hematologic malignancy, immunosuppressive medication, or HIV/AIDS) (5,7).Its survival in fl owing water systems and resistance to common disinfectants enables M. xenopi to contaminate laboratory samples and medical devices such as bronchoscopes, thus causing healthcare-acquired (pseudo) infections and laboratory cross-contaminations (3,6,8,9). Differentiating true infection from pseudoinfection is of paramount importance because treatment of M. xenopi infections is time-consuming and often complicated. The British Thoracic Society (BTS) trial in 2001 established that treatment for pulmonary infections should consist of a 2-year course of rifampin and ethambutol; regimens including macrolides or fl uoroquinolones are still being investigated (10). The American Thoracic Society (ATS) established general criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial, not specifi cally M. xenopi, infections. The treatment guidelines are similar to those by the BTS, although the ATS guidelines advocate macrolidecontaining regimens (5).To assess frequency and clinical relevance of M. xenopi isolation and its determinants in the Netherlands, we performed a retrospective case study. We used the ATS diagnostic criteria available during the study period to diff...