“…The following investigators have provided results that should not be overlooked in this context: Stokes (1955), Jones (1967), Tully and Smith (1968), Sepetjian, Thivolet, Monier, and Salussola (1969), Ford (1969), Mardh (1970), Mirdh andWestrom (1970), Russell and Fallon (1970), Pachas (1970), Shepard (1970), Caspi, Herczeg, Solomon, and Sompolinsky (1971), Hofstetter and Schmiedt (1972), Jansson, Vainio, Lassus, and Tuuri (1972), Hill, Philip, Greaves, and Purcell (1973), McChesney, Zedd, King, Russell, and Hendley (1973), McCormack, Braun, Lee, Klein, and Kass (1973, Kundsin, Parreno, and Kirsch (1973), Boe, Diderichsen, and Matre (1973), Sompolinsky and others (1973), Wentworth and others (1973). In severe disease and in septicaemic conditions, Solomon, Caspi, Bukovsky, and Sompolinsky (1973) isolated M. hominis more commonly than T-strain.…”