In an old growth coniferous forest located in the central Cascade Mountains, Oregon, we added or removed aboveground litter and terminated live root activity by trenching to determine sources of soil respiration. Annual soil efflux from control plots ranged from 727 g C m À2 year À1 in 2002 to 841 g C m À2 year À1 in 2003. We used aboveground litter inputs (149.6 g C m À2 year À1 ) and differences in soil CO 2 effluxes among treatment plots to calculate contributions to total soil efflux by roots and associated rhizosphere organisms and by heterotrophic decomposition of organic matter derived from aboveground and belowground litter. On average, root and rhizospheric respiration (R r ) contributed 23%, aboveground litter decomposition contributed 19%, and belowground litter decomposition contributed 58% to total soil CO 2 efflux, respectively. These values fall within the range of values reported elsewhere, although our estimate of belowground litter contribution is higher than many published estimates, which we argue is a reflection of the high degree of mycorrhizal association and low nutrient status of this ecosystem. Additionally, we found that measured fluxes from plots with doubled needle litter led to an additional 186 g C m À2 year À1 beyond that expected based on the amount of additional carbon added; this represents a priming effect of 187%, or a 34% increase in the total carbon flux from the plots. This finding has strong implications for soil C storage, showing that it is inaccurate to assume that increases in net primary productivity will translate simply and directly into additional belowground storage.