Background: Renal failure (RF) is a common complication in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM). Aim: To evaluate the frequency of RF in NDMM patients, and the prognostic impact of its reversibility. Material and Methods: A retrospective study evaluating demographic and clinical characteristics of 154 consecutive patients with NDMM was carried out. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated at the beginning and at the end of the induction therapy. In addition, we evaluated renal responses (RR) according to the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) criteria. The induction regimen was based on thalidomide in all cases. Results: Fifty-three patients had RF (34.4%). Complete renal response (RR) was achieved in 51%. Three years overall survival in patients without RF, with RF and complete RR, and patients with RF and any other RR, was 66, 47 and 13%, respectively. Median survival was 53, 27 and 6 months, respectively (p < 0.01). In the multivariate analysis, RF and hypercalcemia were independent predictors of a worse outcome. Conclusions: Achieving a complete RR in patients with NDMM, is associated with a better survival. (Rev Med Chile 2019; 147: 1374-1381 Impacto pronóstico de remisión renal en pacientes con mieloma múltiple de reciente diagnóstico Antecedentes: La falla renal (FR) es una complicación frecuente en pacientes con mieloma múltiple (MM). Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de FR en pacientes con reciente diagnóstico de MM y determinar la importancia pronóstica de su reversibilidad. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 154 pacientes consecutivos con MM. La función renal se evaluó mediante la tasa estimada de filtración glomerular al inicio y final de la terapia de inducción. Además, evaluamos las respuestas renales (RR) de acuerdo con los criterios del International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG). El régimen de inducción se basó en talidomida en todos los casos. Resultados: Cincuenta y tres pacientes presentaron FR (34,4%) al diagnóstico. La RR completa se logró en 51%. La sobrevida global (SG) a 3 años en pacientes sin FR, con FR y RR completa, y