SOJ Gynecology, Obstetrics and Women's Health Open Access Case ReportThe outlook of this disease has changed with time from a benign reactive process to a malignant neoplasm, based on the multiple case reports demonstrating recurrent and constant clonal genetic alterations [7][8][9][10].IMT is a spindle cell proliferation that can histologically resemble various malignant mesenchymal neoplasms; however, it generally behaves as a benign or locally recurrent tumor.
CaseMS is a 35 year old P1+0+0+1 who had cesarean section 6 months earlier. She presented with vaginal mass that was painless but causing difficult intercourse. She had been interviewed by general surgeon who found 8-10 cm mass related to the posterior vaginal wall. He had performed a laparotomy, trying to reach the mass through the pouch of Douglas and when he failed, he tried to have a biopsy which was insufficient and inconclusive. 3 weeks later she reported to our department, where examination showed an 8-10 cm sized mass between the rectum and posterior vaginal wall slightly shifted to the right side of the midline. The mass was not cystic but firm, mobile and not tender and extending from 2 cm above the introitus up to the level of posterior vaginal fornix. Rectal examination showed that the mass was in front of the rectum and upper part of the anal canal. A CT (Figure 1) and directed biopsy (Figure 2), was carried out and it showed 8-10 cm mass abutting the rectum but not infiltrating; the biopsy showed fibrous nature. Apart from that the patient gave no history of anything important and the examinations of all other systems were negative. She denied fever, her postpartum course had been uncomplicated and she was exclusively breast feeding since delivery. Laboratory data were unremarkable.Vaginal route exploration for excision of the mass was arranged. The posterior vaginal wall was dissected off the mass upwards the same way of doing rectocele repair. The mass was having a false capsule and this helped in its dissection from the posterior vaginal wall. To dissect the mass from the rectum and the anal canal, the assistant inserted his finger in the anal canal trying to push the mass forward and anteriorly to put it under tension to help in its dissection and in the meanwhile alarming if dissection went close to the rectum to avoid its injury (Figure 3 and Figure 4). Dissection continued and succeeded in taking the mass out ( Figure 5) and it was extending from the introitus up
AbstractBackground: Myofibroblastic tumor (MT) is a neoplasm of unknown etiology, occurring at various sites but was not reported in the rectovaginal area. Literary it is composed of spindle cells (myofibroblasts). Usually it is associated with variable inflammatory component; hence the name is Inflammatory Myoblastic Tumor (IMT). The occurrence in the rectovaginal septum of female is almost unknown in the literature.