Myopericarditis: case reportA 16-year-old boy developed myopericarditis following administration of tozinameran for COVID-19 vaccination. The boy presented with severe, stabbing chest pain, which exacerbated by lying supine and relieved by sitting forward. His chest pain was associated with fever and myalgias, which developed 3 days after administration of first dose of tozinameran [Pfizer-BioNTech SARSCoV-2 mRNA vaccine; route and dosage not stated] for COVID-19 vaccination. The ECG revealed ST-segment elevation in the inferolateral leads and PR segment depression, which was suggestive of pericarditis and mild left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction 48%). Further investigations showed elevated Troponin T levels. The Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging was performed after 5 days, which demonstrated mild left ventricular systolic dysfunction, with elevated myocardial T1 (1263 ms) and T2 (65ms) the basal to mid-inferior and lateral segments, consistent with myocardial oedema and fibrosis, with increased extracellular volume and corresponding sub-epicardial late gadolinium enhancement. Thus, myopericarditis associated with mRNA-COVID vaccination was confirmed.The boy received guideline-based heart failure medications including bisoprolol and ramipril along with unspecified analgesia. He was kept on cardiac monitoring for 72 hours. His further course was uneventful. On discharge, his troponin levels were downtrending and he was pain free. In view of potential risk of myocarditis recurrence, he was advised against a further dose of tozinameran.